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Lockheed F-16 Fighting Falcon (90-0944) - TopGun Instructor pilot USAF Maj. K. R. "Polar" Amerine begins her left break to peel away from a section of F-16 Fighting Falcons as the section returns to NAS Fallon after completing a TopGun training mission in this photo taken earlier this year.  Maj. Amerine, flying NAWDCs "Side Five Five," was completing her "Last Flight" ... the final time she would be participating in a TopGun exercise.br /After leading her section into the left break, "Polar" remained in the air while the other two Vipers seen following her here touched down and landed.  Then, "Polar" made three more passes, including one in which she "buzzed" (grin) the tower in the same way that "Maverick" (Tom Cruise) had done in the movie Top Gun.  And incidentally, the control tower at NAS Fallon is the actual tower seen in the Tom Cruise movie.  Although the setting of the film is at Miramar, the scene in which "Maverick" smokes past the control tower was shot at NAS Fallon.br /At the time this photo was taken, NAWDC was still known as NSAWC (as can be seen on the underside of the center Viper, Side Five Tree).br /After landing, "Polar" was "met" on the ramp by her fellow TG pilots ... with lots of ice cube-filled water buckets and many well-shaken champagne bottles.  Id like to share those pics, too; however, there are no aircraft in the shots.  lol
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Lockheed F-16 Fighting Falcon (90-0944)


TopGun Instructor pilot USAF Maj. K. R. "Polar" Amerine begins her left break to peel away from a section of F-16 Fighting Falcons as the section returns to NAS Fallon after completing a TopGun training mission in this photo taken earlier this year. Maj. Amerine, flying NAWDC's "Side Five Five," was completing her "Last Flight" ... the final time she would be participating in a TopGun exercise.
After leading her section into the left break, "Polar" remained in the air while the other two Vipers seen following her here touched down and landed. Then, "Polar" made three more passes, including one in which she "buzzed" (grin) the tower in the same way that "Maverick" (Tom Cruise) had done in the movie Top Gun. And incidentally, the control tower at NAS Fallon is the actual tower seen in the Tom Cruise movie. Although the setting of the film is at Miramar, the scene in which "Maverick" smokes past the control tower was shot at NAS Fallon.
At the time this photo was taken, NAWDC was still known as NSAWC (as can be seen on the underside of the center Viper, Side Five Tree).
After landing, "Polar" was "met" on the ramp by her fellow TG pilots ... with lots of ice cube-filled water buckets and many well-shaken champagne bottles. I'd like to share those pics, too; however, there are no aircraft in the shots. lol


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
A few weeks after I took photos of Polar's "Last Flight," she invited me to KNFL and treated me to an hour-long opportunity to fly the F-16 simulator in the NAWDC training center. It was a fantastic experience but on my third (and last) landing attempt, which she allowed me to do unassisted, I forgot to lower the gear until the warning sounded and then I became so distracted while lowering them that I flared back too much and let the speed fall off with the result that I executed a "perfect" tailstrike, slammed down, and went barreling off the runway. I came out of the sim covered with sweat.
But man, what a RUSH!! lol
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