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N534BE — - The Texas Flying Legends Museum's "The Duchess Of Dakota," a Douglas XC-53A Skytrooper (N534BE, ex USAAF 42-6480, ex N69032, ex N48CG, ex C-FWGO, ex 8P-WGO, ex N603MC), is captured here on the Reno Stead Airport ramp shortly after a rain shower.
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N534BE —


The Texas Flying Legends Museum's "The Duchess Of Dakota," a Douglas XC-53A Skytrooper (N534BE, ex USAAF 42-6480, ex N69032, ex N48CG, ex C-FWGO, ex 8P-WGO, ex N603MC), is captured here on the Reno Stead Airport ramp shortly after a rain shower.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
It has served many owners, but it looks just as new today as it did when it first rolled out into the daylight from the Douglas production factory.
Diana Rose
Very nice!
Darryl Sarno
Fantastic capture of this oldie but goodie Gary! All 5 and more!
serge LOTH
Bravo GAry.. we could raise a statue to the Dakota.. Probably one of the most famous airplane ever seen and built.. This one have a DDAY marking..
Still the Queen of the skies for me along with Concorde.
Blake Van
I received my ATP TYPE CERTIFICATE IN the DC-3/C-47 back in 1999 fling cargo from south Florida to the Bahomas.
In my opinion, it's one of the best planes ever made.
Excellent capture! She's still clearly 'ready to go'!!
Matt Smith
Beautiful Engine detailing - those radials "sound" good even if they're not running. (just better when they are... )
M Bodkin
Hard to believe the original DC-3 began flying in 1935.
Pierre Hamel
Un bel avion avec des ailes immenses...
Another beautifully captured image of one of the world's most enduring aircraft. Mahalo Gary.
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