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Grumman G-58 Bearcat (N7825C) - Shari Heitkotter, the lady ground crewperson of the Commemorative Air Force Southern California Wing's Grumman F8F-2 Bearcat (N7825C), gives the "thumbs up" for engine start to the pilot who is firing up the Bearcat's Pratt & Whitney R-2800-34W "Double Wasp" radial.
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Grumman G-58 Bearcat (N7825C)


Shari Heitkotter, the lady ground crewperson of the Commemorative Air Force Southern California Wing's Grumman F8F-2 Bearcat (N7825C), gives the "thumbs up" for engine start to the pilot who is firing up the Bearcat's Pratt & Whitney R-2800-34W "Double Wasp" radial.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Man, I wish still photos had sound so that everyone who views this pic could hear the throaty cough as the CAFSCW's Bearcat's powerplant windmilled ever so briefly and then, with a deep and satisfying growl at the instant seen in this snap, caught and raced up to a roar. The sound of aviation - pure music!
jesse kyzer
N7825C - Is reg to a Grumman F8F-2 (G-58) Bearcat Constructed as a F8F-2P.
Some history at: http://www.aerialvisuals.ca/AirframeDossier.php?Serial=10567
Great looking A/C, NICE pic! SUPER THANK YOU! to everyone who helps keep these Ol’ historical birds flying
Tom Vance
Gman - A- for no video! I'll have to train you on how to use both! LOL....great start-up camera position photo!
a mentor
Home field is KCMA
활동 로그
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