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Boeing 747-400 (N403KZ) - The second Kalitta Air B744 to visit Reno in 8 days, N403KZ, is shown here as it lifts away from Runway 34R enroute to Anchorage (PANC).
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Boeing 747-400 (N403KZ)


The second Kalitta Air B744 to visit Reno in 8 days, N403KZ, is shown here as it lifts away from Runway 34R enroute to Anchorage (PANC).


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
I had positioned slightly more than 7,000 feet down the 9,000-foot-long 34R because last week, when CKS's sibling Queen N402KZ, took off from this same runway, it did not rotate until reaching the 8,000 foot (1,000 feet remaining) marker. But yesterday, when N403KZ departed, it was leaving empty so it was able to rotate 2000 feet earlier. Thus, as it came past me here with engines firewalled, it had lifted several feet into the air and I got exactly the picture series I had hoped to get. This is one snap from that 17-shot series.
Darryl Sarno
OMG Gary - Amazing take off shot of the Queen! This is one of your best! Easily 5 *'s and many more!
Very, very nice!
Dave Sheehy
Absolutely Magnificent. 5*X5* Great shot Gary!
ken kemper

My favorite pic of the week. You definitely positioned yourself in the perfect spot !!
Pierre Hamel
Great pic of the Queen!
I could VOMIT, seeing this brand featured here. the kalitta brand is the worst of the worst supplemental freight-dogs out there. it's too bad that they still have their certificate up on the wall in Sanderlin's office..
Dale Docken
Awesome. Magnificent!! Thanks, Gary.
I missed this beautiful queen! Normally I can tell by the sound what kind of aircraft is going over the house, but somehow missed this beautiful baby. I am keeping my eyes peeled!
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Darryl, Greg, Dave S., Ken, Pierre, User, Dale, and Royce. >>> Thank You to all of you for each of your extremely kind comments. I was thrilled to be in the proper spot to snap this. We surely don't get very many 747s here so every one that visits here is a treat. Thanks again. (Wave)
Cougardad ... >> Since I know zilch about how Kalitta operates, I'm in no position to judge them and I will figure you are more knowledgeable than I about them so I'll accept your comments as accurate. But just as an FYI ... ANY airline, commercial pax or cargo, that brings a B747 here is appreciated, GREATLY appreciated, by me. We just never get to see the Queen here except on extremely rare occasions, so I am honestly sorry that this photo makes you so ill. The only remedy I can suggest is that you not view ANY Kalitta pics, either any of mine or anyone elses. And I apologize in advance because if Kalitta Air flies another B747 here, I'm going to be out there to click it.
@ Royce .. >> .. By your comment, I am guessing you live under the 34R departure path. I snapped plenty of pics of this one climbing out away from me over the north valleys. If you wish to have a pic of it from behind, on its departure climb, e/m me at [email protected] Will send, no problem.
Agree with all the comments so far. With the exception of cougardad, lol.
You're so close, did you lose your lens cap in the blast? I'm jealous.
John Freschl
Pete Sanderlin is the COO of Kalitta Air per their web site. I'm wondering whether cougardad is a former employee. Kalitta laid off 150 maintenance workers last summer (Oscoda, MI) due to business conditions.
Tom Vance
Holy Bleeeeep! Magnificent! A+ Calendar photo!!!!!!!!!!!
Tom Vance
Gman_____ check out 'cougardads' photos................LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tom Vance
5x5 = 10 and the sideways rip on cougardad...5 more!!!
Fantastic Shot Gary! How did I miss this one? Wow!
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Hey, John, howdy again. TY for the comment. Also, quite a while back I had posted a question to you (under a pic) which you did not reply to so eventually I deleted it. Perhaps you had seen it and merely did not answer, or maybe you never saw it. (Just last month I did the same to warmwynds but he never responded either.) Anyway, since you are here, let me ask again.
I've got pics here that will never be posted to FA. They are much more interesting ... and (in many cases) better photo quality. For instance, recent ones are photos of an E-2 Hawkeye making an emergency landing and hooking an arrestor cable to stop. Also a pic of an Air Battle demo just last weekend between a B-25 and a Zero. And etc., etc. I had asked if you were interested in receiving such pics that won't be posted here. (Be advised that these photos are larger than the mundane stuff I post here on FA. They are too large to be viewed on cell phone size screens; they are for desktop size screens.) I certainly understand if you aren't interested and be assured I take no offense if you decline, but if you ARE interested in getting them, please do NOT reply here. Just send to [email protected] and I'll add you to the list of e/m recipients. If you get some and view them you can always dump them if you find they are uninteresting. And of course you can always tell me to stop sending any more pics at any time. I think you'll find them to be better and more interesting than the stuff I put here. Just an offer. And either way, Thanx for the kind compliments re: my photos. (Wave)
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 N403KZ에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
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