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de Havilland Dash 8-400 (N440QX) - Another capture that was snapped last week as the first of several winter storms was beginning to drop a tremendous amount of snow on to the Sierra Nevada.  The bland white background created by the falling snow paid huge dividends when a special livery passenger plane arrived or departed, as can be seen here as QXEs special collegiate Oregon State University "Beavers" livery Dash 8 (N440QX) tucks the wheels in the wells while climbing away from KRNOs runway 16R to begin a flight to Seattle.  The orange and black OSU colors stand out beautifully against the snow-covered landscape in the background.br /*The photo is best seen by skipping the medium and large thumbnail sizes and viewing it at its actual (ie: FULL) size.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

de Havilland Dash 8-400 (N440QX)


Another capture that was snapped last week as the first of several winter storms was beginning to drop a tremendous amount of snow on to the Sierra Nevada. The bland white background created by the falling snow paid huge dividends when a special livery passenger plane arrived or departed, as can be seen here as QXE's special collegiate Oregon State University "Beavers" livery Dash 8 (N440QX) tucks the wheels in the wells while climbing away from KRNO's runway 16R to begin a flight to Seattle. The orange and black OSU colors stand out beautifully against the snow-covered landscape in the background.
*The photo is best seen by skipping the medium and large thumbnail sizes and viewing it at its actual (ie: FULL) size.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Over 10 feet of snow has now fallen in the Sierra Nevada areas to the west of Reno, and some areas have received over 14 feet, ... and it is still snowing. I would be at the airport right now to get more photos ... except that I-80 is closed between me and Reno because of an accident. Since I-80 is currently the only drivable road between my place and the city 40 miles away, I'm stuck here. But there's always tomorrow. (lol)
That's a very nice shot, Gary! You're right about the colors. Thanks for sharing it.
Great color scheme! Great photo!
Great shot that makes the colors jump. Nicely done. Nice tribute to a hard working aircraft]. What kind of lens were you using?
Not sure I can root for the big O but that is a story for another time and website. Go Dawgs.
*****FIVE***** stars for this one, Gary!!!
Roy Hunte
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1998년까지 거슬러 가는 N440QX에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
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