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McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (N313FE) - Flashback to Jan, 2017 ~~br /Fed Ex's "Bilal" climbing thru a light snowfall as it departs for Memphis.
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McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (N313FE)


Flashback to Jan, 2017 ~~
Fed Ex's "Bilal" climbing thru a light snowfall as it departs for Memphis.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Back in 2017 FDX used its tri-holers to make two daily visits here, but now just four years later it is very rare to see a DC-10 or an MD-11 here. N313FE gets close to Reno occasionally because it still goes to Sacramento (KSMF), but the only way we get to see "Bilal" or any other FDX tri is to watch them fly by overhead.
Darryl Sarno
Beautiful lift off shot of this classic 3 holer - don't see many DC10's, so thank you for sharing. All 5!
Tom Vance
Darryl is correct..Ditto and 5x for the 'green winged teal'....
Gavin Hughes
Have to add my two cents worth - simply excellent.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Darryl, Alien, and Gavin ... Thanx, guys. Gavin ... Howzitgoin'? Got a pic of a Kodiak heading your way - clicked it yesterday by request of the owner and not going to post it so will send via e/m. (Wave)
You have Reno nailed.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Jerry ... Your comment is extremely kind. Thank you vvm. And while I'm replying, Thank You also for your service to our country and to the citizens who enjoy the freedoms you and so many others pledged to, and did, defend. I was active also; however, I am only a Vietnam ERA vet, not a Vietnam vet. So my thanks to you and every other vet are as deeply felt as everyones who ever wore a US military uniform. All the best to you. G
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