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Lockheed P-3 Orion (N923AU) - Aero Unions Tanker 23, a Lockheed P-3A, drops on the "Brooklyn Fire" on the south side of Peavine Mountain around 4:30 PM on July 17, 2011.
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Lockheed P-3 Orion (N923AU)


Aero Union's Tanker 23, a Lockheed P-3A, drops on the "Brooklyn Fire" on the south side of Peavine Mountain around 4:30 PM on July 17, 2011.


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Dan Little
Another welcome site when needed! Thanks.
I used to fly tanker 23 for Aero Union..........as well as Tanker 21
That photo was one of the last of #23 flying before the company's contract was cancelled by the Forest Svc
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Richard, I've got about seven or eight more snaps (all great) of 23 at this fire. Got them right here on my computer. Also a short vid as it made a drop at this fire.
I believe I also have it sitting on the ramp at McClellan with about five others, all just parked and deserted at the closed AU facility.
If you are interested in having any of the pics or that lone (short) vid, my email is ...
OldeCarl at gmail.com.
And to both you and Dan, I'm glad you both liked this photo. Thank You for the comments. :-)
Kurt Haukohl
Hi Gary. We would love to use one of your Reno Airport Photos as background on the state aviation map for 2017 and airport directory. Would you be willing to lend?
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Absolutely no problem. "Lend" is not what I do; however. I will "give" any photo for your use, and (as I've always done many times in the past for agencies, corporations, individuals, etc.) I'll provide a signed PHOTOGRAPHER'S RELEASE awarding full use authorization for any lawful purpose. I've done this for any agency or individual that has ever asked for a photo(s). I am purely an amateur aviation photographer, so there is no fee; no charge; no $$. Instead of using the lesser-quality pictures seen in my FA folder (and which are marked "FlightAware"), you may prefer that I send you the HQ original(s) of the pic(s) you desire. Also, I am available to go out and snap a picture from a specific photo location (at KRNO there are over 20 spotting locations) so long as I am given enough advance notice in which to schedule the shoot. Again, at no charge. My email is [email protected] . Thank you very much for your interest, and thank you for doing me the courtesy of asking. Hope to hear from you soon. (Wave)
perry smith
We saw this plan working hard last year over the "Valley" fire in Lake County CA, last September. We thank it and the many other air crews for working so hard.
ken kemper

Thank you for the comment on my pic from the Columbia River with the CL-215 scooping water.

Glad to know that the photo was viewed with 149 others.

Have a great weekend Gary. You have taken spectacular aviation photos. Keep it up.

Chris Partin
Tom Vance
5x5 Gman! superb photo and I wonder how many viewers noticed the Fire truck top right of the photo?
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