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North American P-51 Mustang (N5528N) - North American P-51C Mustang (N5528N)br /"Thunderbird"br /!! Absolutely gorgeous !!br /.........................br /I waited to post this shot until the RARA (Reno Air Racing Association) made the official announcement (which they just did 30 minutes ago) that "Thunderbird" will be making periodic appearances in the skies during the next (and last) four days of the air races.br /....................br /My most deeply sincere Thanks to the owners and mx personnel of the racer parked next to Thunderbird for the unbelieveably kind action they performed for me.  They moved their a/c somewhat so I could get this camera position in order to get the best sun angle.  I cannot express how very grateful I am for such a wonderfully kind action.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

North American P-51 Mustang (N5528N)


North American P-51C Mustang (N5528N)
!! Absolutely gorgeous !!
I waited to post this shot until the RARA (Reno Air Racing Association) made the official announcement (which they just did 30 minutes ago) that "Thunderbird" will be making periodic appearances in the skies during the next (and last) four days of the air races.
My most deeply sincere Thanks to the owners and mx personnel of the racer parked next to Thunderbird for the unbelieveably kind action they performed for me. They moved their a/c somewhat so I could get this camera position in order to get the best sun angle. I cannot express how very grateful I am for such a wonderfully kind action.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
The complete story is too long to relate here, but it must be mentioned that this P-51C, although not the original record setting "Thunderbird" that was flown by Jacqueline Cochran, contains parts from that Mustang. The original "Thunderbird" was destroyed in a crash in the 50s, but parts from that one are in use in this one.
Tom Glass
Nice Photo. Regret this being the final Reno Air Races. I don't hold too much hope they'll find another venue, but maybe the airshow planned for next years 60th anniversary at Stead will be a nice farewell.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Tom G >. I (and others I have spoken to) tend to agree with you. As the situation currently stands, I'm not at all certain another location will be found. A proposal was made that the races be held at Oshkosh, but frankly, I don't feel the organizers of Oshkosh would be all that enthusiastic about adding the races to their highly successful event. Increased insurance costs would be a negative factor and that's before considering many other issues. However, if the Air Race folks eliminate (or at least alter) some of their "in order for a location to be considered, we MUST haves," they may find a new home. I truly hope so.
ken kemper
Gary...Beautiful pic and history to this beauty. I think Jimmy Stewart owned the original Thunderbird for a brief spell too.

I sure enjoyed seeing it at Oshkosh but unfortunately did not witness it in the sky.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Ken ... You're absolutely right about the actor Jimmy Stewart. He did own it for awhile. The way I heard it, he bought it for ONE dollar and later sold it for ONE dollar.
Viewed your click of T-bird last week. As always, *****++ quality. Gave it (and others of your recent postings) the full five back then, but had no time to Comment. Trying to get caught up here at my end. Met a young lady at the races and she was trying to get close enough to the runway to get pics of her fella arriving from Vance AFB in a USAF Talon. But all she had was a cellphone. I assured her my 70-300 would reach the runway just fine and promised her I'd get pics of his arrival to her before he went back to OK on Sunday. Got the pics, but I'm also committed to providing pics to two aviation agencies and an owner so right now I'm bogged down. Got a neat pic of a nose gunner's compartment in a Mitchell (Pacific Princess) that's here on static display that I'll be sending. (Thumbs Up)
Tom Vance
Great story Gman and poster/calendar photo here.....oooof ! top dog!! :)
a mentor
See the movie
Mercury 13
for and accurate view of Jacqueline Cochran.

She later recanted her views.
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