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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (16-3023) - A Navy KC-130T Hercules (163023) departs Reno after an extremely brief visit.
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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (16-3023)


A Navy KC-130T Hercules (163023) departs Reno after an extremely brief visit.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
The visit was so brief that the props never stopped spinning. It landed, taxied to the ramp, dropped the tailgate, offloaded some cargo, raised the gate, taxied away, and took off as seen here. The entire visit lasted no longer than 20 minutes from wheels kissin' the concrete to wheels off and gone.
Gavin Hughes
5 stars Gary. Hercs are always impressive and that magnificent roar as they get going, at least with these older models - haven't heard a J.
Beautiful shot Gary! I agree with Gavin, a great workhorse!
Alan Hume
Ever since the C-47 (DC-3) there's never been a greater nor more iconic workhorse. A great design that has served the whole world mightily.
ken kemper
Nice shot Gary !!
Great judgement on f-stop; just the right amount of depth of field. Nice picture!
C.W. Reed
Great pic, Gary! Didn't know the Navy had any C-130's after retiring the TACAMO "Q' model many years ago! 5 stars!

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