15 투표수 (4.60 평균) 및 6,600 조회수  

BOEING 737-300 (N137CG) - This Coulson Group B733 "Fireliner" (N137CG, ex-Southwest N617SW) is captured as it sits on the Atlantic Aviation ramp in the shadow of the Reno-Tahoe International control tower.br /The Coulson Group acquired six older model 737s from Southwest Airlines and are converting them into firebombers. This one, Tail #137, arrived at RNO on Saturday afternoon and I was contacted to photograph it. At sunrise the next morning, as the shadow of the control tower was momentarily stretched out far enough to "blanket" this awesome aircraft, I snapped this shot.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

BOEING 737-300 (N137CG)


This Coulson Group B733 "Fireliner" (N137CG, ex-Southwest N617SW) is captured as it sits on the Atlantic Aviation ramp in the shadow of the Reno-Tahoe International control tower.
The Coulson Group acquired six older model 737s from Southwest Airlines and are converting them into firebombers. This one, Tail #137, arrived at RNO on Saturday afternoon and I was contacted to photograph it. At sunrise the next morning, as the shadow of the control tower was momentarily stretched out far enough to "blanket" this awesome aircraft, I snapped this shot.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
On Sunday morning, just as the sun came up, I found myself in an aviation photographer's heaven. I was standing in the midst of four Boeing 737s parked at the south end of Atlantic's ramp: this B733, a Swift Air B734, and two US Navy C-40s. As the sun came up over the Virginia Range Mountains in the east and lit up the blue sky, I was surrounded by fantastic photo opportunities -- Mt Rose was illuminated beautifully in the distance southwest of my location, more than 100 gorgeously colored hot air balloons participating in the mass ascension segment of The Great Reno Balloon Race were rising into the sky beyond the downtown Reno skyline northwest of my location, the RNO control tower was silhouetted northeast of my position, and no matter which direction I faced, I had a Boeing 737 aircraft right in the foreground. And, as every serious aircraft photog knows, the first moments of sunrise don't last for very long, so for the next eight to ten minutes I made use of every single second. Almost 850 clicks of the shutter (843)....
Tom Vance
5 "Shadows".....brilliant pic!
Tom Vance
850? you're slowing down Gman! jk/
Pretty cool! Nice pic and great job!
Tom Vance
Gman - I caught this jet by surprise at RDD 8/8/2019 - pics later....now has titles under the cockpit window 'GAIA"
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 N137CG에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
날짜 항공기 출발지 행선지 출발 도착 비행시간
2025년 3월 11일 B733Chacalluta Int'l ()Guanacaste () 14:50 -03 16:52 CST 5:02
2025년 3월 11일 B733Vina Del Mar ()Chacalluta Int'l () 09:17 -03 11:25 -03 2:08
2025년 3월 4일 B733María Dolores ()Vina Del Mar () 12:07 -03 12:52 -03 (?) 0:45
2025년 3월 1일 B733Vina Del Mar ()María Dolores () 10:42 -03 11:27 -03 (?) 0:44
2025년 2월 28일 B733María Dolores ()Vina Del Mar () 18:53 -03 19:37 -03 (?) 0:43
2025년 2월 27일 B733María Dolores ()Los Angeles 근처 19:09 -03 Last seen 19:51 -03 0:41
2025년 2월 27일 B733Carriel Sur Int'l ()María Dolores () 16:23 -03 17:11 -03 (?) 0:48
2025년 2월 26일 B733Carriel Sur Int'l ()Carriel Sur Int'l () 18:35 -03 19:23 -03 0:48
2025년 2월 26일 B733Carriel Sur Int'l ()Carriel Sur Int'l () 16:57 -03 17:50 -03 0:52
2025년 2월 26일 B733Carriel Sur Int'l ()Carriel Sur Int'l () 13:31 -03 14:24 -03 0:52
2025년 2월 26일 B733Carriel Sur Int'l ()Carriel Sur Int'l () 12:19 -03 13:11 -03 0:52
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