46 투표수 (4.59 평균) 및 7,744 조회수  

McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle (84-0005) - F-15C Eagle, 84-0005 -- "City of Bend", 123 Fighter Squadron, 142 Fighter Wing, Oregon Air National Guard "Redhawks." Home Base: Portland Air National Guard Base, Portland International Airport, Portland, OR.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle (84-0005)


F-15C Eagle, 84-0005 -- "City of Bend", 123 Fighter Squadron, 142 Fighter Wing, Oregon Air National Guard "Redhawks." Home Base: Portland Air National Guard Base, Portland International Airport, Portland, OR.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Each Redhawks Eagle displays the official seal of a specific city in the state of Oregon on the left side. Although not visible here because only the right side of the Eagle is shown, 84-0005 displays the official seal of the City of Bend on the other side.
*F*I*V*E* Stars, Gary!!! :-)

Outstanding framing, composition, and use of leading line elements!
C.W. Reed
cliff is right! 5 stars for the F-15! Thanks Gary!
Lewis Tripp
I guess Antifa allows them to fly.
Beautiful shot!
Tom Vance
Sweet - 0-0-0-5 yup, 5***** stars on the Eagle - this was at PDX?
John Rumble
And they will continue. You can't keep a good fighter down F-15X . Note how they smoothed the harsh right angles
Leon Kay
Thank you for a great photo and informative comment.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Thanx, Cliff, but I can't take credit for the line composition. I was up in the tower and I could only move about 30 feet (meaning the distance from left to right) so I could not maneuver much at all. But I appreciate the compli. Dwight, Thank You, also. Alien, yet again, I apologize for not putting the airport code. It was KNFL. John, many Thanks for the web link info. And Leon, you are very welcome. Thank you back for the nice comment re: the pic. (Wave to all)
Glen Horton
Many years ago I and my unit, the 268th Attach Helicopter Battalion arrived at Nellis for Red Flag just in time to watch one of these baby's do an unrestricted take-off......
Mind blown.
Beautiful shot Gary!*****
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