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Grumman C-2 Greyhound (16-2140) - A pair of Navy Greyhounds on the Atlantic Aviation ramp.
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Grumman C-2 Greyhound (16-2140)


A pair of Navy Greyhounds on the Atlantic Aviation ramp.


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Mark See
Nice shot Gary. Is it pretty common up where you are to get military aircraft on an FBO ramp like this? Because it's something I've never seen down here.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Hi, Mark. We get all types of military a/c at RNO. Atlantic Aviation has the contract to provide parking, fueling, etc., services for military aircraft so we see all kinds of military metal. Up until a couple years ago, there were several great locations where spotters could take pics of the warbirds visiting here, but Atlantic Aviation has been doing major construction here and gradually their new buildings and reconfigured ramps are eliminating the places where spotters can go to get clicks ... and I just learned that within the next year another excellent spot (one of the very BEST locations) will become inaccessible. Fortunately, there are 18 positions around the airport where we can snap them as they land or take off so as long as Atlantic keeps the contract - and Atlantic is the only FBO here - the warbirds will keep coming.
Time to trot out all "5" stars for this one! Thanks, Gary, for sharing a very well done aviation photo with us!!!
sam kuminecz
gary, this is an awesome shot of the C-2, thanks for sharing with us

like I told you earlier, a C-2 and a P-8 were here last week, as well as an American 763 from Brussels

I recently uploaded a few new ones check em out if you get a chance
C-2 ??? , beautiful photo - powerful engines -
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