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Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner (VH-ZND)
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Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner (VH-ZND)



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Viv Pike
I see a strange flight currently in the skies.
This aircraft VH-ZND is currently en route from Melbourne YMML to Johannesburg FAOR, left YMML at 11:42 AEST and due in FAOR at 16:00 SAST after some 12 hours 15 minutes flying time.
What makes this "strange" is that we never get flights from Melbourne into SA, and our borders are currently closed. Also, the flight number QFA7025 is not a "normal" flight number. So therefore this is either a freight-only flight (what freight from YMML to SA?), or it might be a repatriation flight (I thought those were done already).
Anybody have any ideas? Chris, Gavin, etc. ?
No, Idea Viv. Maybe a glitch?!
Viv Pike
Hi Dean. Nope, not a "glitch" in the system. I picked this flight up on FR24 heading this way, and see that FA is also tracking it. It will enter our airspace soon, to land in about 2.5 - 3.0 hrs from now.
Gavin Hughes
Hi Viv, would expect a repat flight. There have been a few repat flights into MEL and SYD very recently and we've even had two into here (posted a couple of Lion Air A330s last week). Doubt a passenger aircraft would be utilised for freight only when there ample freighters working.
Viv Pike
Hi Gavin. Yes, I am tending to agree with you that this particular flight was for repat. I was watching a few flights landing at FAOR (usually "normal" pax birds) from BA, Ethiopian, Qatar, Emirates, et al, and they ALL went and parked on the Cargo Ramp. However, this particular Qantas flight pulled up and parked at Gate A6 at the passenger terminal. I assume she will make her way back down under some time today. Take care and stay safe.
Viv Pike
Gavin - sorry, I forgot to mention, they are indeed utilising (proper English spelling) passenger aircraft for pure cargo - they even load some cargo into the passenger deck and strap them to the seats. Airlines are doing all they can to turn a few bucks.
Did he/she track as far to the south as the QF B744's used to do going SYD-JNB? Thanks for this heads up Viv..
Good point Viv. I recall flying seat loaded cargo in F27's in the '80's.
Viv Pike
Chris - yeah, pretty much flew a very similar track to the SYD-JNB route, albeit slightly more north. Here is the track-log.
Cheers for their track Viv!
Gavin Hughes
I'd not heard of freight in seats before (except for bush flights) but that's just my lack of knowledge so this thread had another bonus. Cheers and thanks all. Stay safe.
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 VH-ZND에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
날짜 항공기 출발지 행선지 출발 도착 비행시간
2025년 2월 10일 B789퍼스 공항 ()런던 히드로 공항 () 19:26 AWST 03:58 GMT (+1) 항로 중
2025년 2월 9일 B789런던 히드로 공항 ()퍼스 공항 () 12:08 GMT 12:02 AWST (+1) 15:53
2025년 2월 8일 B789퍼스 공항 ()런던 히드로 공항 () 19:13 AWST 04:36 GMT (+1) 17:22
2025년 2월 7일 B789런던 히드로 공항 ()퍼스 공항 () 12:17 GMT 12:19 AWST (+1) 16:01
2025년 2월 6일 B789퍼스 공항 ()런던 히드로 공항 () 19:38 AWST 04:42 GMT (+1) 17:04
2025년 2월 6일 B789멜버른 공항 ()퍼스 공항 () 14:07 AEDT 14:47 AWST 3:39
2025년 2월 4일 B789로스앤젤레스 국제공항 ()멜버른 공항 () 21:11 PST 07:31 AEDT (+2) 15:20
2025년 2월 4일 B789멜버른 공항 ()로스앤젤레스 국제공항 () 12:23 AEDT 06:59 PST 13:36
2025년 2월 2일 B789댈러스 포트워스 국제공항 ()멜버른 공항 () 19:20 CST 05:06 AEDT (+2) 16:45
2025년 2월 2일 B789시드니 공항 ()댈러스 포트워스 국제공항 () 12:53 AEDT 10:50 CST 14:57
2025년 1월 31일 B789샌프란시스코 국제공항 ()시드니 공항 () 20:51 PST 06:03 AEDT (+2) 14:12
2025년 1월 31일 B789시드니 공항 ()샌프란시스코 국제공항 () 21:28 AEDT 15:40 PST 13:12
2025년 1월 31일 B789퍼스 공항 ()시드니 공항 () 12:09 AWST 18:51 AEDT 3:42
2025년 1월 30일 B789샤를 드 골 국제공항 ()퍼스 공항 () 10:42 CET 10:06 AWST (+1) 16:23
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