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McKinnon Turbo Goose (N640) - McKinnon Turbo Goose arriving at its home base KHIO, Hillsboro OR.
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McKinnon Turbo Goose (N640)


McKinnon Turbo Goose arriving at its home base KHIO, Hillsboro OR.


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Dave Marion
N640 is NOT really an actual "McKinnon" Turbo Goose; it is really only an amateur-built "copy" of one - NOT the same thing. Should have only an Experimental CoA because builder (current owner - not McKinnon) was never certified as a manufacturer under Part 21; as an "amateur-builder" even of a certifcated type design, his "product" should be only "Experimental" just like any other "homebuilt." When the current owner first bought this airframe in 1996, Angus McKinnon had been dead for 5 years and as far as McKinnon was ever concerned, N640 was still just a highly modified "Grumman G-21A" still certified under the legacy Grumman TC (ATC-654) and McKinnon never officially converted or re-certified it under TC 4A24 as the current owner now claims. The original bill of sale to the current owner from 1996 still identified N640 as "Grumman G-21A serial no. B-123" and that's another thing; the current owner claims it is now McKinnon G-21G serial no. 1201 but that serial number belonged to a completely different aircraft, one originally built as Grumman JRF-6B serial no. 1147 and later converted by McKinnon as a model G-21C (s/n 1201) but also later converted all over again into the one and only model G-21D, s/n 1251 - and all that time registered as N150M - which coexisted from June 1960 onward with Grumman G-21A s/n B-123 registered as N640.


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