14 투표수 (4.57 평균) 및 3,871 조회수  

Boeing 747-200 (82-8000) - President Trump departing RDU, 7/27/20.  Taken from the parking deck.  A little backlit, but I did my best.
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Boeing 747-200 (82-8000)


President Trump departing RDU, 7/27/20. Taken from the parking deck. A little backlit, but I did my best.


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Gavin Hughes
This is a very good photo. Backlit isn't always bad when you get it right and with this you did. You should be well pleased with yourself. In fact all your shots of this plane are good even though the conditions weren't 'ideal' and I use that term loosely.
Savannah FordPhoto Uploader
Thanks, Gavin! It was actually very cloudy until the last five minutes waiting for arrival, then the sky opened up. Clouds came back in time for departure, but AF1 is gorgeous in any setting. :)


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