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McDonnell Douglas MD-83 (N970TW) - Nothing like a wet Mad Dog! At the RDU observation deck, 2/7/18.
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McDonnell Douglas MD-83 (N970TW)


Nothing like a wet Mad Dog! At the RDU observation deck, 2/7/18.


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I miss the AA MDs. The only ones we see now are AAY's. Super 5 * capture, and (if I could) I'd add 2 more *s for being a spotter who gets out in the inclement wx to get some clicks. Bravos for all these newest posts!
Savannah FordPhoto Uploader
Thank you, sir. The conditions happened to be right for me, plus, I feel like I’m growing in confidence every day as a photographer. I just liked getting pictures of planes; now, I’m appreciating the art of it more. I appreciate your kindness, especially coming from such a prolific spotter! :)
Savannah Ford... a "spotter" compliment from our esteemed Gary Schenauer is indeed "top drawer", as they say!!!

Congrats to You!!!
Savannah ... Cliff is a friend of mine so he is being (very) overly complimentary in his comment about me (big grin); however, to offer a bit more info to you, it may be fun for you to know that one of your photos (N694DL, Delta's "Spirit of Freedom", on the climb out of RDU) was one of 150 pictures displayed on a large screen a few weeks ago. A small group of us (no professional photogs, we're just aviation photography hobbyists) sat down in January, identified 150 photogs who (purely in our opinion, of course) were the best FA photogs in 2017 (like Leland S. up in Washington state, Scot W. out of Phoenix, etc.), and then we picked one picture of theirs from their FA folders and viewed them as a 150-pic slide show. (I want to say we did NOT "rank" them numerically; we just put them alphabetically by last name.) Your shot of DAL's N694DL was the one of yours we selected. We had several criteria we used (otherwise, we could NEVER have whittled the list to just 150), and the first three criteria were: 1) used real name (not an anonymous one) because real name shows a willingness to take credit for the quality of the pictures, 2) posted an airborne photo (much more difficult than taking a shot of a motionless object), and 3) all photos in the folder had to have been taken by the photographer (no stolen photos or ones taken from other sources). There were a couple other criteria, too, which made it possible for us to decide our top 150. Anyway, although 150 might seem like an awful lot of people, it really isn't when you realize how many hundreds of contributors there are. When you examine your first photos and then look at your newer posts, the growth in "confidence" you mentioned ... AND a parallel growth in experience and talent, is very apparent. There isn't any trophy or $ award associated with our little selection group, but I thought you might enjoy knowing that there are viewers out in FA-land who are appreciating your posts and enjoying the pics. Please keep 'em coming, Savannah.
Nice job, Savannah, and I agree with Gary and Cliff. Thanks!
Savannah FordPhoto Uploader
Wow. I am flabbergasted. Thank you for such an incredible honor. I’m really picking my jaw up off the floor right now! I’m only doing what I love, and it gives me a thrill to know to other people enjoy it. I’m beside myself, thank you!! And how about the Spirit of Freedom? I hadn’t known they made a new logo representing all the branches of our armed services, I thought that was very tasteful on Delta’s part. And I had no idea it was in town, so that was a lucky capture. I got that and the Comco 757 in one day - it was a great time for getting 757s!
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