3 투표수 (4.67 평균) 및 877 조회수  

— — - Marine 1 and the V-22's waiting for Southwest to depart from BUR.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

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Marine 1 and the V-22's waiting for Southwest to depart from BUR.


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Eric Dufay wrote, "Marine 1 and the V-22's waiting for Southwest to depart from BUR."

This is an excellent shot (I'm filling in all 5), but that can't be "Marine One." The call sign "Marine One' is only applicable when the POTUS is aboard, and if you are correct about that SW taking off, then I can guarantee that the POTUS is NOT aboard that helicopter. The POTUS does NOT "wait' for commercial aircraft to "go first.' The ONLY aircraft that can legally be in motion at an airport when the POTUS is either arriving or departing are Med Evac flights. Any other aircraft that are going to land are required to stack up away from the airport and anything (like that SW) that is about to depart is required to freeze in place and remain motionless for the entire time the POTUS is anywhere near (or physically present at) the airport. Also, ground service personnel are required to vacate the apron and be inside a building, all media persons are located in one location with SS escort, and all vehicles are required to stop and stay stopped. And it looks like the person who took this fine snap was standing on the ramp, so if the POTUS was on one of those helicopters, the person who took this photo is either a media person cleared by the WH or would be spreadeagled on the concrete.


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