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C-FLYL — - "Hawaii Mars" Feb.2010
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"Hawaii Mars" Feb.2010


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This is a Martin JRM, originally built for the U.S. Navy in 1945 and later modified as a water tanker. More at: http://www.militaryfactory.com/aircraft/detail.asp?aircraft_id=1089
John Rumble
Beautiful picture, i love a ride in this one :)
Love this photo!
Excellent photo!
Oh W o W ! ! ! This is a cool picture!!!!
Great airplane! Is it still in service fighting fires
John Heath
Good shot
Has any one experimented "JET Engines" on a sea-plane?
Yes the Beriev Be-200! It was first built in the late 90s in Russia and still flies today for water bombing, i don't how much they are used. Less than 10 were made
And yes Paul I think this is supposed to be its last year. I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure it had already been retired then they brought it back for a couple seasons of fire fighting
Re Jet Seaplane; Glen L Martin Co built the P6M 'Seamaster', first flight was 14 July, 1955. 12 were built, but mission was changed from carrying Atomic bombs to patrol and it was decided that the Seamaster was too expensive for that task. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_P6M_SeaMaster for further info.
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