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Airbus A320 (N122US)
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Airbus A320 (N122US)



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Seriously? A guy fishing less than 100 yds from the runway with a sign clearly showing that says Restricted Area Keep Out. How can that be in this day and time with things like Orlando going on???
Hi, Ralph. It is a public access inlet of water. The guy isn't actually in the Restricted Area section. There is a public park there named Gravelly Point. Way back in the 60s, I stood in the same place jayb was standing and took a pic of a Northwest B727 approaching this same runway, but I only learned the name of the park last year from skyhawkrg (another FA member) when I posted that old B&W picture here in the FA gallery. (Just click on KDCA and you'll see my old B&W pic pop up.) So the guy in the boat is totally legal.
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