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Lockheed P-3 Orion (16-1590)
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Lockheed P-3 Orion (16-1590)



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John SuttonPhoto Uploader
Model: Lockheed P-3C Orion
Year built: 1983
Construction Number (C/N): 285A-5763
Aircraft Type: Fixed wing multi engine
Number of Seats: 11
Number of Engines: 4
Engine Type: Turbo-prop
Engine Manufacturer and Model: Allison T56-A-14
Alan Brown
New view for a photo of this aircraft. Thank yoy!
Nice catch but à lot of pollution !!!
Walter White
Looks like an EP-3 of DHS. We have then at NAS Corpus Christi,Tx.
Daniel Gless
Next time get the props to all line up together.....8-)
Great picture though!
Max Janda
Used to enjoy seeing these overhead as they were arriving/departing Glenview NAS, on patrol of the Atlantic coast. Nothing quite like the sound of those 4 engines spooling up; made me feel all happy inside!
John Wilhelm
My Dad flew these in the Navy!! They have a special place in my heart. Also what a distinctive sound they make as well.
Joe Laureano
I used to watch the squadrons from Moffet Field return from patrol in the evening... Seemed like a never-ending parade of them
Lockheed's thinking: Spread those giant engines and four-bladed props out, and there's no sense in having much wing beyond the prop-wash! Slam the throttles for a go-around, and the airplane jumps almost straight up!
Terrific photo and aircraft!
Worked on the A and B models for the US Navy, at Barbers Point, HI, in the early 70's. VP-17. Great shot !!
Nic named the "Hurricane Hunter". This Aircraft fly in the eye of the Hurricane and record the vital data information of the Hurricane in real time for NOA and relative Weather Stations. ST CROIX USVI in the Caribbean is a temporary Airport intermediate locations during the Season.
VP-62 NAS Jacksonville FL is the only right answer here. Not a CBP bird, not a NOAA bird....
Ed Becker
Nice shot. I always loved the airframe and as a kid flew on many a KLM Electra.
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 16-1590에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
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