4 투표수 (4.75 평균) 및 9,870 조회수  

Cessna Citation III (N989PT) - I really like the colors on this Citation. About to depart runway 20R at John Wayne Airport or Orange County Airport or Santa Ana Airport (whichever name they call the airport today. I was on a flight about 4 years ago and the pilot didnt know which name to use so he just used all three one after another every time he referred to the airport)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Cessna Citation III (N989PT)


I really like the colors on this Citation. About to depart runway 20R at John Wayne Airport or Orange County Airport or Santa Ana Airport (whichever name they call the airport today. I was on a flight about 4 years ago and the pilot didn't know which name to use so he just used all three one after another every time he referred to the airport)


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beautiful story - hip colors -
Mark CPhoto Uploader
Thank you very much Mathias
Solid 5 !! Super!
Mark CPhoto Uploader
Thanks Gary


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