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Boeing B-29 Superfortress (N69972) - The B-29 "Doc" performs a flyby at the Star Spangled Salute air show at Tinker Air Force Base.
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Boeing B-29 Superfortress (N69972)


The B-29 "Doc" performs a flyby at the Star Spangled Salute air show at Tinker Air Force Base.


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Gorgeous shot! Very nice!
George Bures
Always great to see a significant and beautiful piece of history fly by.
Tremendous shot! Thank you for sharing
wOw !
Non pilot just a plane enthusiast. i recall the B50, an improved B29 which could be identified with extended outboard nacelles. Any of these still exist?
Beautiful - almost looks like a painting.
Park McGraw
It is nice to see in the photo where my father (Flight Engineer) would have been sitting.
Beautiful shot, beautiful airplane.
Mike Curtis
A truly beautiful aircraft, the profile is so clean and aerodynamic, long may she Fly.
Peter Maas
The Air Plane that saved us in World War II. Beautiful picture.
What a beautiful airplane
Seth SchubertPhoto Uploader
Thanks for all of the comments everyone!
C.W. Reed
Beyond excellent! props are even "in phase"! 10 stars here , Seth! Thank You! Hoosier Cheers!!
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