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Fairchild-Republic Thunderbolt 2 — - Breaking for downwind 10-22-22. Loaded for Bear!
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Fairchild-Republic Thunderbolt 2 —


Breaking for downwind 10-22-22. Loaded for Bear!


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Lewis Tripp
Tank killer.
Diana Rose
ken kemper
Awesome Pic John..........

Guessing A-10 from Ft. Wayne ANG Base
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Thanks Diana & Ken. Ken, f.y.i. yes, you are correct, it is a FWA bird. There were two of them, but they snuck up on me and caught me unprepared. Only got a couple shots off.
John, I guess you can say they did the job they were built for. Sneaking up on things especially Tanks. Very nice pic.
I love the A-10!
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
de17walt, LOL, yes, you are right about that. If they were shooting at me, I'd would have been dead. It's an awesome machine. The only replacement for an A-10 is another A-10. I wish they had kept the production going longer. It's like the B-52, and the C-130, and the C-17, it's going to be a very hard aircraft to replace
Rick D
Years ago, at the Abbotsford Airshow, some of our American friends from San Fran had a bet with some of us Canadians. How long could we go without saying 'eh'. At one point MM pointed at this aircraft and said "what is this airplane, I forget?" Without missing a beat, TB replied "it's an awe-10." 10 stars for the memories
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Rick D... LOL!
My gun has a plane!
Phil Townrow
I was lucky enough to go on a fire power demonstration whilst based in Germany The A 10 came in low and slow and took out a convoy of old military vehicles. It was an amazing spectacle not to be seen from the receiving end though!
The top three weaknesses of the A-10 are:

1. Low thrust.

2. Not enough thrust.

3. Engines that don’t generate enough thrust.

‘We joke that the A-10 is really a single-engine aircraft, with half an engine on each side. (Also… do you know what an A-10 simulator is? You go out back, climb in a dumpster, and they throw rocks at you.)

Lynn Taylor, former A-10 pilot,
I have to ask: What is the dark round-nosed, no wing, squared-off tail ordinance next to the Sidewinder on the starboard side? Sorry. I am no expert at identifying weaponry these days, that's for certain.
Bill Conn
Ground troops 👼
Love these warbirds!
sd jstkach
also love the faux canopy painted on the bottom. Watching them bank and turn from a distance is disorienting. You "see" the plane do some impossible looking reversals, then realize you had top and bottom all wrong!
rbt schaffer
Show us your Underalls
serge LOTH
John ,even if the snuck up..you did it really good picture ..love that A10..
Doug Cook
Always so odd to see these heavily armed monsters when flying into Ft.Wayne. (We never really did feel secure with Ohio SO close!)
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Doug Cook - LOL! Love it!
Loaded for Bear my foot! I count seven empty rails. That looks more like post-mission left-overs.
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Skylab74 - Point Taken! Maybe he previously unloaded part of his load on Camp Atterbury.?


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