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McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (N313FE) - Awaiting her final flight. 01-04-23
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McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (N313FE)


Awaiting her final flight. 01-04-23


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NOT A DC-10!!!! We re-did the pilot configuration from 3 to 2 and re-named them MD-10!
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Wendell. well technically yes, you are correct. I'm well aware of the DC-10/MD-10 debate. I understand the flight deck differences/type certificates, etc. I just don't care. She was born a DC-10, to me she will always be a DC-10. At this point, who really cares? You are welcome to post your own DC-10/MD-10 pics and call them whatever you want. Happy New Year to you.
According to the ICAO, a Boeing MD-10 is still a type designator of DC10, as John has entered it.
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Thank you Samuel. I appreciate your input. Here is another way of looking at this Wendall. You were born Wendall. As you age, you may have to get a few new replacement parts, perhaps a new knee, a new heart, even a new/mechanical heart or other joints. Heck, you might even get some bionic parts. Lets look at our servicemen & women who end up having to get various prosthetics. Now, just cuz we change some parts out of you, you are still the same "person". You get a new ticker, new limbs, etc. they might enable you to run farther, faster, with more energy, etc. Do we start calling you a new name because you have some new parts in you? The answer obviously is "NO" That is kind of how I look at this "DC/MD" debate. 90% of you is still original. Same with the DC-10. If anything, the "MD" is more of a hybrid/marketing name. We are still talking about the same aircraft here. If I look at my type certificate on my pilots license, does it say DC10, or MD-10? Bottom line here is enjoy the few we have left, and agree to disagree, call them whatever you are most comfortable with.
Awesome shot, John
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Thanks Hayden!
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