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VOUGHT TA-7 Corsair 2 — - A-7E Corsair II. As seen at the War Eagle Museum on 06-30-21
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VOUGHT TA-7 Corsair 2 —


A-7E Corsair II. As seen at the War Eagle Museum on 06-30-21


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Flying hydraulic leak.
Flying hydraulic leak.
Chris Croft
First of all this is clearly not an TA-7 Corsair. The "T" designation means trainer,this aircraft is a single seat A7-C maybe D. Secondly, these "flying hydraulic leaks" laid down a lot of ordnance in close air support of American/NATO troops over the years. Viet Nam, Grenada, Lebanon, Desert Shield/Storm. I will acknowledge the maintenance problems of this a/c. Let's also acknowledge the fact that the American taxpayer got their money's worth out of this workhorse.
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Chris Croft - FYI, I got the aircraft info off of the museum info. That is what they showed it as. I don't know that much about A7's and their sub-types, so I took the museum info and trusted it was as they said it was.
Chris Croft
Hey no problem John, I enjoyed the photo and appreciate your response.
Chris Bryant
I would say that's a E model. It matches the paint scheme and BuNo range the squadron was flying back in the mid-70s.


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