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FAIRCHILD (1) Provider (04-0612) - 02-05-23. March Air Reserve Base Museum. The "Comish"
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FAIRCHILD (1) Provider (04-0612)


02-05-23. March Air Reserve Base Museum. The "Comish"


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Earl Kramer
Flew the 123 out of Howard into central and parts of northern South America back in the 70s . I really liked having the jets getting out of some of the places we flew.
Grew up in military housing at Langley AFB (1960 to 1968). These, without the jets, were used to spray mosquitos aroound the base including our off base Capehart housing. The were later moved to Viet Nam.
Robin Rebhan
I like the person in the background, gives a size comparison!
A C119 hiding behind it.
C-123G 60-40612 It is very likely a Viet Nam Vet. G models with the jets were very common in III and IV Corps areas. The underwing fuel was usually added after returning to the Americas. My home base had an infantry division, an Artillery Battalion, a service battalion with n EOD company, a logistics support company, and a signal company. From a little more than an hour after sun-up to about an hour before sundown, there was always a C-123 loading, unloading, arriving, or leaving. About half that many C-7 Carabous came and went, plus about a third as many C-130 Hercs. The 'Provider' lived up to its name.
활동 로그
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