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/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

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Bill Orton
Where is this?
Kos Island, Greece, in the Aegean Sea.
Jim Quinn
My only wish is that I had seen one of these in flight! As an Air Force Brat I was so very fortunate to have been here in the US as well as overseas and saw a lot of different aircraft from many different countries' armed forces. Three of the aircraft that I always wanted to see in flight since I was very young were the B-47 (Done!), the B-36 and the B-58. Unfortunately the B-36 was already gone and the B-58's were elsewhere and I never saw them. I have seen a static display of the B-58 but never seen the B-36, but the Air Force Museum is on my bucket list, as are many of the other museums including the NAS Museum.
Nice head on shot of this B58 but it's not on Kos Island, this shot was taken at Grissom Joint Air Reserve Base Indiana USA.
The last B-58 Hustler I saw was several years ago at the Pima Air Museum in Tucson


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