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North American Super Sabre (N2011V) - Squeking the wheels and smoking the tires. 5-L 10-28-23 returning after its airshow performance at nearby MQJ. Was treated to two low level high speed passes before this full stop landing. What a thrill to see one of these ancient relics flying. 67 years old!
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

North American Super Sabre (N2011V)


Squeking the wheels and smoking the tires. 5-L 10-28-23 returning after its airshow performance at nearby MQJ. Was treated to two low level high speed passes before this full stop landing. What a thrill to see one of these ancient relics flying. 67 years old!


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Tom Heaverlo
A real classic! Nice catch John!
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Thank you Tom!
Jim Quinn
As an AF Brat I spent many hundreds of hours watching these fantastic F-100s fly over our homes until my father retired in June 1971. I don't recall any paint schemes such as this one, but I'm glad to see that there is one still flying. My favorite fighter for my entire lifetime!
ken kemper

I enjoyed seeing N2011V at Oshkosh 7-8 years ago ..........sure hope it returns.
Great photos of "wheels touching down" at Indy.
Uwe Zinke
Very nice John!!!
Bill A
43 years retired from the Air Force now, but still remember watching the flight of this beautiful bird for most of my 20 years at various stations, including Bien Hoa. Thanks for the memories, John -- you made my day.
Ah, the dreaded single-engine no-flap landing... Beautiful photo !
Another great shot, John. I'm really enjoying your posts. The Viper Demo Team shot was excellent...I suspect it was not as easy to get that quality shot as you make it look.
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Thank you folks for the positive comments, appreciate each of them.!
Mark Bullock
Once assisted a member of the Thunderbirds ground crew get into the panel that housed the "shotgun starter" cartridge. Sheppard AFB, 1967.
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