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North American P-51 Mustang (NL61429)
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North American P-51 Mustang (NL61429)



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@jobeard - Where are you? Here's a "Red Tail" P-51C of the CAF, painted to represent one flown by the Tuskegee Airmen of WWII's USAAF 332nd Fighter Group!
jobeard - the CAF website shows this P-51C, N61429, to be based with the Minnesota Wing of the CAF at Red Wing, Minnesota...



Perhaps it "winters" at Camarillo, CA?

(But I find no reference to that fact.)
OK, this is what I know about the history of this P-51C Mustang. I'm not actively involved in the CAF, but I live in the Twin Cities near the Southern Minnesota Wing based at South St Paul.

According to these 2 web sites, this Mustang was a part of the So. Minnesota Wing at So. St Paul from 1985 to 2015 with restoration work at various sites including Wahpeton ND. I've visited that shop in ND and seen the jigs to make virtually new fuselages and wings.

The first major restoration was completed in 2001, and it had an engine failure at Red Wing MN on 2004. Unfortunately the pilot was killed, it was rebuilt again and finished in 2009. It was moved to Dallas TX in 2015 and landed gear up there in 2016. It was repaired and flew again in 2017.

My understanding was that it was moved to Dallas from Minnesota and many of the Minnesota people were quite upset over that.

I see one of the sites that cliff731 posted that has a Red Wing address, I'm not sure what that's all about as I don't know of any aircraft there.

The So. Minnesota Wing in So. St Paul was were this P51C was based and it has a B-25, "Miss Mitchell", among other aircraft.
Also, I don't know about any Camarillo Wing having anything other than a P-51D, "Man-O-War" listed on their website.
jim - yes... I did see where the only Mustang at the CAF Camarillo CA wing was the P-51D as you referenced - "Man-O-War".
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