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92-9000 — - AF1 from a couple of years ago arriving with President Trump onboard. No political comments please. Keep the focus on the aircraft. Thank You.
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92-9000 —


AF1 from a couple of years ago arriving with President Trump onboard. No political comments please. Keep the focus on the aircraft. Thank You.


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I hope that they reverse the paint chose of the new 747s being built nd keep it as they are now.. just beautiful!
serge LOTH
I love the AF1 livery.. and the 747 for ever..5*
ken kemper
Once again, another Winner Photo John
Art Pauly
The 747 is one of the most beautiful and graceful aircraft ever. When Airforce One arrives it exemplifies the greatness of America.
If I can't make political comments... I have nothing to say.
I've had the privilege of seeing Air Force one (Yes the president was on board) a number of times. The most moving for me was when I was on assignment overseas. It always brought tears to my eyes and reminded me of home and family.
Jeff Kitchen
+1 on the keeping paint scheme.
When they park this at PBIA (When Trump was president) it was way off to the side and surrounded by old school busses so you couldn't see it from the road.
Kam Bahrami
Concur about the paint scheme. It is a classic keeper. No need to change.
I must be getting old. Last time I saw Air Force One closeup Bill Clinton was President. I did get to see it from a distance landing at LAX with President Obama aboard. President Clinton sent my sons the classic autographed picture of Air Force One flying over Mt. Rushmore.
Absolutely the best view of the complexity of 747's flag design! Excellent Composition.
This aircraft is one of the mightiest political comments and representations of the greatest and most productive country to date on this planet, the USA.
How someone thinks they can stop others from freely commenting in this country and around the world about it seems grossly hypocritical and ridiculous.
Brian Elling
I took video air Force one while in the Marine corps at MCAS El Toro. I was standing on the apron while air Force one taxied into position. I was so close the wing went right over the top of my head. President Bush flew in for the commemoration of the Ronald Reagan presidential library. After having videotaped the ceremony at El toro, we "stud guard" over air Force one. However there were plenty of secret service and regular police watching the area also. I will never forget looking on the rooftops and seeing the snipers looking at us while we guarded air Force one.


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