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Lockheed EC-121 Constellation (N6203C) - My dad was southbound to Miami from NY in a Martin 404 when Dick Merrill came pulling up alongside "Hey Nick, Look what I got". This must have been one the first of the Super C Connies. Im guessing the picture is from 1952. Can you imagine doing this today? The pax would be lined up to sue for reckless endangerment or some such crap. At Chalks we flew close many times and nobody ever complained. Not these days I bet.
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Lockheed EC-121 Constellation (N6203C)


My dad was southbound to Miami from NY in a Martin 404 when Dick Merrill came pulling up alongside "Hey Nick, Look what I got". This must have been one the first of the Super C Connies. I'm guessing the picture is from 1952. Can you imagine doing this today? The pax would be lined up to sue for reckless endangerment or some such crap. At Chalk's we flew close many times and nobody ever complained. Not these days I bet.


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I remember DC-3 and Martin 404 types flying overhead almost daily when I was a youngster. Wish I could say the same about a Connie.
Very nice picture. That was the DAYS OF GLORIUOS AVIATION. Thank you. Juan Peron
You might want to change the title. The A/C is a Lockheed 1049C.
re: changing the title

I'm pretty sure when you include a tail number the FA system pulls up whatever is currently registered to that number and puts that there.
Frank ZelinkaPhoto Uploader
I have tried many times to change the title of my photos. The FlightAware system just seems to put what it wants even when I have the blocks filled in. I think that Mr. Behling is correct in that the system just puts in the current acft with that tail number. If anybody knows how to change or edit the pictures after they are posted, please let me know as I can't seem to figure it out and have complained but nothing is done.
I took the c-121 over to Rhine Main on 1961 , It was a very long flight 21 hrs
Frank, Dick Merrill's name rings a bell from many years ago when my step father George Bost was still living and was visited from time to time by other Eastern pilots. Do you or your dad remember George? He flew for Eastern for 33 years and received a commendation from Eddie Rickenbacker when he a averted the crash of the Martin 404 he was taking off out of LaGuardia in a heavy snow storm in 1956, right behind the Northeast DC-6 that had just crashed on Riker's Island. Thanks, Bill
gwapo santa
I remember them in 1960 flying in Qantas colours into to RAF Negombo Ceylon my father was RAF OC flying then
I remember seeing these beauties around NY as a kid in the 50's and 60's. It brought back many good memories. A nice shot. Thank you.
Dear Frank :

Nice Picture, I like it. Thanks for sharing. Im a fan of connies.
I would like to comment that the aircraft its a L-1049C or E. The designation EC-121 were used by USAF for Elecric Countermesures Super connies.
The L-1049C and E were introduced in 1954 to competed against the Douglas DC-6A or B models and later the DC-7A and B. Regards
One of those wondrous photos from the past,
that brings up dreams.
Thank you.
Bob P
Nice Super Connie, but not an EC-121. I've never flown on the L1049/L1649 Super Constellations, but I have a couple thousand hours on the EC-121D/T/ and the C-121G models (552nd)
Lew Patton
When I was a kid got to fly on Eastern Connies fairly often. My dad traveled a lot and he would ask if we could use the crew compartment. Often the answer was yes. Can you imagine today having your own onboard suite? Once I lost my wallet between Charlotte and Miami. The crew found it and Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker returned it to me with a signed personal letter. What a difference 60-65 years make (I am now 78).
My first flight on a commercial airliner was aboard an EAL Supper Connie! August of 1958, MIA-CLE... I was barely eleven. Probably the inspiration that kicked off a 40 year career in aviation..... Great Memories!
I remember trips between EWR and BAL with my mom on EAL. My first was in a DC3, my favorite airplane to this day. It was my first twin after I learned to fly. DC3s gave way to Constellations which gave way to the "jet age". It's fascinating to see the progress in a mere 100 years.
Pat Cook
The first flights that I remember were on DC-3s between Anchorage and Seattle, with fueling stops on the way. Oh, then Pacific Northern Airlines brought on the Connies -- fast; and no fueling stops!
Never seen a constellation flying. But I do believe it's one of the most beautiful airplanes ever built. The convergent evolution made most airliners look alike after the introduction of the Boeing 707 (B747 an exception ) . This airplane was outstanding.
Dale Kline
I flew in the Navy version of this, the WV-2 "Willy Victor" out of AEWBARRONPAC from Midway Island in 1964. A beautiful plane even with all of the electronics. Fond memories from long, long ago.
Angel Ruiz
The EC-121 is the radar surveillance version (E) of the cargo (C) model 121, i.e. EC means electronic cargo in the military classification system.
remember seeing 1 of these lovely aircrafts at liverpool airport in the
Boyd Gilbert
In early 1960's I was with oil exploration in Colombia and we often flew Avianca 749/1049. Some times I was in the crew cab. No security in the 60's so all cockpit doors were always open. If any one of the three left the cockpit, it was OK for me to take their seat. I knew several of the crew and they always welcomed me to sit with them.
It was not unusual to be in the crew cab and lumbering at full throttle, wings flapping like a goose, about to rotate then bells would start ringing and the two front guys both stood on the brakes to stop us with the nose at the fence. Those were the fun days. I had a Beech B33 Debonair and flew side by side with the Colombian DC3's until they went Hyper and my 140 MPH could no longer keep up with them. Anybody remember opening the windows for fresh air DC3/C47?
Paul is right, 1049. My Dad flew them for Trans International in the 60's.
N6203C, c/n 1049-4003, was delivered to Eastern Air Lines on November 26, 1951. Sold to Aviation Corp. of America on September 30, 1968. Subsequently sold to D.L. Shepard Aircraft Leasing in August of 1969, and scrapped in January of 1975.
My dad flew the RC-121D version
ken kemper

Beautiful. Reminds me of the Arthur Godfrey narration with Eddie Rickenbacker & the flight crew of a Super Connie.

Wonderful Youtube video.
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