47 투표수 (4.79 평균) 및 24,217 조회수  

BOEING 767-300 (JA01HD) - Hokkaido International Airlines / Boeing 767-33A/ERbr /Jan.27.2018 New Chitose Airport [CTS/RJCC] JAPAN
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

BOEING 767-300 (JA01HD)


Hokkaido International Airlines / Boeing 767-33A/ER
Jan.27.2018 New Chitose Airport [CTS/RJCC] JAPAN


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great shot
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Mr.Fabian Dirscherl
ありがとうございます = Thank you for comment!!
Tomer Ariav
I like the airline logo
Jim Costello
Chocks away with ethereal power!
Pedro Don
Is it really a common practice to fly an airplane - designed for serving long-haul routes - in shorter than 90 minute long missions? How quickly will these planes consume their cycles?
Just remember for the 747-400, specially built for Japanese domestic services (without winglets, for instance), flying couple of hours services. They were extremely expensive to operate and worn out very quickly.
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Mr Pedro Don
ありがとうございます = Thank you for comment!!
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Mr Tomer Ariav
ありがとうございます = Thank you for comment!!
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Mr Jim Costello
ありがとうございます = Thank you for comment!!
Very nice capture. 5*
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Mr Lonnie Penner
ありがとうございます = Thank you for comment!!
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