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Cessna Citation X (N442WE) - N442WE holding short of runway 20R waiting for landing traffic with a United 737-800 just making the turn onto taxiway "Lima" right behind him. Also, this is the first tagged post of N442WE to be uploaded to the FA gallery.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Cessna Citation X (N442WE)


N442WE holding short of runway 20R waiting for landing traffic with a United 737-800 just making the turn onto taxiway "Lima" right behind him. Also, this is the first tagged post of N442WE to be uploaded to the FA gallery.


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Mark SeePhoto Uploader
Most of the time the aircraft are all using taxiway "Lima" to wait for takeoff, but in the early mornings like this they also line up on 20L (the shorter GA runway) which is where the United is turning onto taxiway "Lima" from in this photo. That means that this shot here, where the second aircraft is angled like that, is only possible in the morning right after the airport opens before the GA runway opens for the day.
Hi Mark, I looked at your photo uploads and you have some great shots like the one above, I like it. I also really appreciate the information you include with your photos, to me it makes them complete. Many of our fellow aviation/photo buffs could take a lesson from you on how to do it. Keep it up.
Excellent size comparison, Mark! I really like the Citation X!
Mark SeePhoto Uploader
Sam, thank you very much for the compliment. I too feel that every shot should at least have some sort of small description, even if it is just which runway the aircraft was using and at the very minimum, all of the info fields filled out, but as you pointed out this usually is not the case.

Dwight, thank you also for you comment and I love the Citation X just like you do.


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