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/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

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Holden RileyPhoto Uploader
This photo was accidentally uploaded with the watermark, if anyone knows how, I would appreciate tips on how to delete it.
Roy Hunte
You're quite in a jam Holden!
Might have to contact FA Support directly.
Have never had to delete anything so not sure.
Holden RileyPhoto Uploader
Yup, I'm not sure what to do, hoping they'll notice it and pull it, but it may come down to contacting them to remove it. I've never had to delete anything before, it didn't even dawn on me that the option might not be there. We'll see. :)
Roy Hunte
Hey I noticed yesterday on discussions that there is a topic for deleting photos. Just put the link and ask for it to be deleted. Hope this helps.


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