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K6183 — - This beautifully restored Mk I Avro Anson is the only airworthy example currently flying.br /Photographed in April 2014 at Wanaka New Zealand.  So beautifully restored, it looks like a new one.br /The aircraft is painted to represent K 6183 from 206 Squadron Coastal Command which was based at RAF Bircham Newton, Norfolk.br /K 6183 was the first combat loss by the RAF in WWII (5th September 1939) and the sole survivor P/O Edwards became the first RAF officer to become a POW in WWII.br /Best viewed enlarged.
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K6183 —


This beautifully restored Mk I Avro Anson is the only airworthy example currently flying.
Photographed in April 2014 at Wanaka New Zealand. So beautifully restored, it looks like a new one.
The aircraft is painted to represent K 6183 from 206 Squadron Coastal Command which was based at RAF Bircham Newton, Norfolk.
K 6183 was the first combat loss by the RAF in WWII (5th September 1939) and the sole survivor P/O Edwards became the first RAF officer to become a POW in WWII.
Best viewed enlarged.


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Both of these photos are waaay beyond superb!! Tremendous captures, Peter, and thank you very, very much for sharing these shots. ***** + *****.
My father used to fly the Anson on coastal anti submarine patrol along the New South Wales coastline back in 1943. In June 1942, three midget submarines had managed to sneak into Sydney Harbour and attempted to torpedo the heavy cruiser USS Chicago. I remember him telling me that you retracted the Anson landing gear by winding a handle. Maybe one hundred turns??...I can't recall the exact number that he told me!
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