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OGMA Tiger Moth (VH-ALC) - At the Sporting Aircraft Association of Australia’s airshow, Mangalore, Victoria, March 30, 1986.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

OGMA Tiger Moth (VH-ALC)


At the Sporting Aircraft Association of Australia’s airshow, Mangalore, Victoria, March 30, 1986.


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Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Not sure what OGMA stands for but this was a de Havilland DH-82A Tiger Moth Sn: 82360/T289.
Jim Quinn
Nice panning shot, Gavin! Very nice....
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thanks Jim. No optical stabilisers back in those days, just go with it and hope :)
ken kemper
Great effect with speed..........

Vintage Photo but a classic Gavin
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thank you Ken.
Keith Barker
A golden oldie, but good shot.
Excellent photo taken over 30 years ago.
Couple of things.
1)Good to see slightly down elevator to keep the weight on the main wheels to help with a cross wind takeoff
2) No obvious sign of the registration on the Tiger. Might it have been removed or does Australia have a relaxed view on this?
No brakes, no tail wheel, no flaps, no starter, no electrics. Raw flying, lots of fun. Did have automatic leading edge slats. Go figure.
Great photo of a classic. Is that a 'little person' in the front cockpit?
The motion in this one is amazing! It took me a couple of years to get really fine prop blur in my shots and here you were doing it back in '86. Absolutely Outstanding!!
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
To all from Keith Barker and later - thank you for your comments. We've sh.t internet the last few days and getting to view, reply, post has been nigh impossible so my apologies for the delay in responding. The network I use is being upgraded and today (Saturday) is break in work allowing me to catch up a bit.

boisdunord: quite a few civil registered aircraft in 'warbird' livery have the reg barely noticeable and darned if I can find it on this. Perhaps if the photo was clearer it may be visible in the shadow under the tailplane.

adelma: not sure. The occupant could be leaning forward.

Gary: more ass than class!
Bob Kamman
OGMA – Indústria Aeronáutica de Portugal S.A -- which according to Wikipedia built 91 of them.
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thanks Bob. From records, this one wasn't one of those, certainly DH but sometimes FA does strange things.
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1998년까지 거슬러 가는 VH-ALC에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
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