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Airbus A330-300 (9M-MTK) - March 1, 2020. Second of the heavies to depart and still no sun (see also 9V-SHN). Despite the left gear lifting first there was no apparent crosswind to cause it though a couple more take-offs experienced the same effect - perhaps there was some mid-field though nothing reported by the tower.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Airbus A330-300 (9M-MTK)


March 1, 2020. Second of the heavies to depart and still no sun (see also 9V-SHN). Despite the left gear lifting first there was no apparent crosswind to cause it though a couple more take-offs experienced the same effect - perhaps there was some mid-field though nothing reported by the tower.


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Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Apologies if this appears twice - first upload SEEMED not to have worked.
Man, I'd give an awful lot to have the opportunity to get captures of these heavy birds. You're making me drool .... All ***** and a couple ++'s too. Congrats and Very Well Done!
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thanks very much Gary. You and rwb2112 gave me the idea for crop shots, something I'd not done. With the coronavirus problem we COULD lose some of the heavies for a while. Singapore and Cathay Pacific have indicated they will temporarily suspend flights. To date, nothing about Emirates, Qatar, Malaysian and Malindo, but they are only B738s to here. Would think Air New Zealand shouldn't be affected, but this thing is spreading, so who knows.
활동 로그
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