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Douglas DC-3 (ZK-DAK) - Landing at Classic Fighters 2015.<br>This from NZ Civil Aircraft Blog:<br>Douglas DC-3C S1C3G ZK-DAK c/n 26480/15035 very cunningly disguised as NZ3546. This aircraft actually has no real Royal New Zealand Air Force connections at all.<br>It began life as a C47B-10-DK with the USAAF serial of 43-49219 from 30th October of 1944. After its ten years of service its tail number was changed to O-49219 (as is the custom). After service at various bases in the USA and Bermuda it went to Japan in July of 1950 and served with the 21st Troop Carrying Squadron based at Ashiya, covering the Korean War period.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Douglas DC-3 (ZK-DAK)


Landing at Classic Fighters 2015.<br>This from NZ Civil Aircraft Blog:<br>'Douglas DC-3C S1C3G ZK-DAK c/n 26480/15035 very cunningly disguised as NZ3546. This aircraft actually has no real Royal New Zealand Air Force connections at all.<br>It began life as a C47B-10-DK with the USAAF serial of 43-49219 from 30th October of 1944. After its ten years of service its tail number was changed to O-49219 (as is the custom). After service at various bases in the USA and Bermuda it went to Japan in July of 1950 and served with the 21st Troop Carrying Squadron based at Ashiya, covering the Korean War period.'


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