91 투표수 (4.89 평균) 및 26,395 조회수  

McDonnell Douglas FA-18 Hornet — - Blue Angels in very tight formation with two aircraft upright and two inverted. Amazing close up shot with a Canon 800mm lens. Questions about this photo can be sent to Info@FlewShots.com
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McDonnell Douglas FA-18 Hornet —


Blue Angels in very tight formation with two aircraft upright and two inverted. Amazing close up shot with a Canon 800mm lens. Questions about this photo can be sent to [email protected]


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Tom Heaverlo
Awesome shot Peter!
good shot man!
What a great close up shot!
Marco Ronci
Leon Kay
Thank you for an amazing photo!
Wonderful e incredible shot. Congratulations to the photographer.for this amazing photo.
David Seider
Wow! You nailed that on, Mr. DeMoore!
Bravo Zulu on an outstanding shot!
Leandro Vale
wowwwww good one!
Another great shot. Upside down 1 and 4.
Terrific shot!!!!!
J Sandusky
Enjoy their show every year from the balcony of Margaritaville Hotel....awesome.
Amazing is right---great shot of one of their famous tight formations!
Superbe !!! on dirait que le temps s'est arrêté ...le piqué est incroyable ...la composition est géniale ...l'oeuvre d'un maître ...bravo !!!!
Truly AWESOME!!!!
Ron Bird
terry kelsey
Just amazingly good. Bravo !!
Sanmit Basu
Fantastic shot! Knowing that your 800mm lens makes them appear closer and tighter
than they actually are. At what distance from them was the shot taken?
David Dyer
DAMN!!! That's a great shot Pete.
You nailed it. Almost like being up there alongside.
Outstanding photo!
Peter DeMoorePhoto Uploader
I have a photography agent and he asked me how I was able to get a ride with the Blue Angels to get this shot. I totally surprised him by telling him that it was just my Canon 800mm lens and and everything else aligning perfectly.
Steven Hill
Naval Aviators
ken kemper
A most unique shot Peter !!

6 Stars
Very Cool Shot!


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