75 투표수 (4.87 평균) 및 7,863 조회수  

Fairchild-Republic Thunderbolt 2 — - This A-10 Warthog was performing at the 2022 Sun N Fun airshow in Lakeland, Florida. The moon had been visible all afternoon and after several aircraft came close to passing near the moon, I finally got the shot I was trying for. I also like how you can see the swirling exhaust gasses coming from the Warthog. I shot this with my 600mm Canon lens. Camera setting were 1/8000 shutter, F5.6, ISO 800. Please check out my other aviation photography. Votes and positive comments are always appreciated. Questions about this photo can be sent to Info@FlewShots.com
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Fairchild-Republic Thunderbolt 2 —


This A-10 Warthog was performing at the 2022 Sun N Fun airshow in Lakeland, Florida. The moon had been visible all afternoon and after several aircraft came close to passing near the moon, I finally got the shot I was trying for. I also like how you can see the swirling exhaust gasses coming from the Warthog. I shot this with my 600mm Canon lens. Camera setting were 1/8000 shutter, F5.6, ISO 800. Please check out my other aviation photography. Votes and positive comments are always appreciated. Questions about this photo can be sent to [email protected]


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Great Photo.
Diana Rose
Nice Work!
Alan Hume
Great photo that would have been vastly improved if it had been fully-armed!
ken kemper
Super Photo Peter..............

I've had a couple moon in pic photos but not many !!
Excellent! Set-up, timing, composition, tech details, and the moon! Good shot.
bob reeves
very cool photograph
serge LOTH
Wow! Very nice
The very last thing Taliban commander Musa Abu Noor saw before he exited the planet.
@ Mark A >>>> ... for his well deserved eternal existence in Hell. (BOTH Thumbs Up)
Martin Burr
Amazing Photo - One of my favorite aircraft - I saw it in action on one of the Seal Team shows!
A real blast to see it actually fire the cannons.
Cool Shot Peter!
Hawk Moore
Excellent photo, Peter.
I love this airplane! Really great shot.
Robert Bryan
Great photo of something no enemy tank would want to see...


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