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Cessna Citation Sovereign (N516DB) - This is a photo of N516DB, which is a 2005 Cessna 680 seen here departing Augusta Georgia's regional airport shortly after the conclusion of the 2023 Master's tournament. The background only shows a small sampling of all the private jets that were in town for Golfs biggest event. I shot this with a Canon 5Dsr with a Canon 500mm F4 IS lens with a 1.4x extender on it, making the lens' focal length 700mm. The camera setting were 1/8000 shutter, F5.6, ISO, 1600. Please check out my other aviation photography. Votes and positive comments are always appreciated. Questions about this photo can be sent to Info@FlewShots.com
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Cessna Citation Sovereign (N516DB)


This is a photo of N516DB, which is a 2005 Cessna 680 seen here departing Augusta Georgia's regional airport shortly after the conclusion of the 2023 Master's tournament. The background only shows a small sampling of all the private jets that were in town for Golfs biggest event. I shot this with a Canon 5Dsr with a Canon 500mm F4 IS lens with a 1.4x extender on it, making the lens' focal length 700mm. The camera setting were 1/8000 shutter, F5.6, ISO, 1600. Please check out my other aviation photography. Votes and positive comments are always appreciated. Questions about this photo can be sent to [email protected]


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