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Boeing 737-800 (N947AN) - 16 Oct 18
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Boeing 737-800 (N947AN)


16 Oct 18


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Greg ByingtonPhoto Uploader
This was a "Make A Wish" flight for a little girl. American and the folks at KTUS gave her quite a send off. Her favorite movie was Disney's "Moana" so they were sending her to Orlando to go to Disney World. Many of the staff were dressed in Hawaiian clothes. They gave her a big send off up near the check-in desks, and they made announcements at the gate to tell everyone what was going on. They were also giving all the passengers on the flight a lei and a piece of pineapple upside down cake. Then, as the flight taxied out many of the ground crew were on the tarmac to wave, and the FD then gave the flight a salute with the water cannons. It was pretty cool!
Tyler Emtage
Nice pic! Quite the event...
Greg ByingtonPhoto Uploader
Yeah, it was pretty cool! Thanks, Tyler!
*****++ capture!!
Greg ByingtonPhoto Uploader
Greg ByingtonPhoto Uploader
Here is some further information, if anyone is interested. This was AA Flight #1484, KTUS-KDFW. In Dallas there would have been a connecting flight to KMCO. The picture was taken facing to the southwest. And while the sun was up (notice the buildings in the background to the far right of the picture), there were some clouds to the east (it had been raining overnight) which blocked the sunlight from actually hitting the airport for a few more minutes. So, all the water on the ramp was not from the water cannons. By the time the flight was on its take off roll it was in full sunlight. See it here:

활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 N947AN에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
날짜 항공기 출발지 행선지 출발 도착 비행시간
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