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Unknown/Generic Undesignated (14-1824) - At Pima Air & Space Museum, Tucson, AZ, 21 Apr 18.
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Unknown/Generic Undesignated (14-1824)


At Pima Air & Space Museum, Tucson, AZ, 21 Apr 18.


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Greg ByingtonPhoto Uploader
More from the PASM website:

Manufacturer: GRUMMAN
Markings: U.S. Navy Blue Angels, Pensacola NAS, Florida, 1968
Designation: F-11A
Serial Number: 141824


Begun as a supersonic variant of the F9F Cougar the Tiger quickly evolved into an entirely new design with its own designation, F11F. The Tiger showed great early promise as a fighter, but the rapid advancement of aviation technology in the 1950s resulted in the plane's obsolescence even before it entered service. Tigers served in front line squadrons for only four years before it was replaced by the F-8 Crusader. Tigers continued in use in training and testing programs and with the Blue Angels for several years. The last two flying Tigers were used in a program to test an inflight thrust reverser and made the last Tiger flights in 1975.
All your most recent are excellent. My faves are this Blue Angels shot and, of course, the T-Bird click. Full fives for all.
Greg ByingtonPhoto Uploader
Thanks a bunch, Gary!
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