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North American P-51 Mustang (NL551CF) - 7 Apr 18
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North American P-51 Mustang (NL551CF)


7 Apr 18


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Greg ByingtonPhoto Uploader
Here is some further information on this bird from the Collings Foundation website:

"After WWII, the USAAF consolidated much of its fighter aircraft. Most piston powered fighters served substantially reduced roles as more advanced jet powered aircraft emerged. The Mustang still proved useful serving in the Korean War and state-side in the Air Force Reserves and National Air Guard. TF-51D Mustangs (two-seat trainers) were used to train fighter pilots until the jet-trainers such as the T-33 Shooting Star were fully utilized. The Foundation’s TF-51D is one of three original TF-51Ds remaining in the world. This fighter will be painted in its original markings as a West Virginia Air Guard, 167th Fighter Squadron P-51 called “Toulouse Nuts.”

"2016 Oshkosh AirVenture Grand Champion, “Toulouse Nuts” is one of the world’s finest TF-51D restorations to date. Tens of thousands of hours went into rebuilding this fighter to “brand new” condition. Every surface, rivet, wire and instrument is perfect. The 1450 hp Merlin engine looks like it just came off the factory floor. Think of this fighter as a flying sculpture you can experience! We offer Flight Training in “Toulouse Nuts.”
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