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Douglas DC-6 (N9056R)
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Douglas DC-6 (N9056R)



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This was built as a freighter in 1958. Does anyone know if it is still flying?
Paul Wisgerhof - Everts Air Cargo still operates a fleet of eight (8) DC-6 aircraft.

The FAA civil registration for N9056R is current and assigned to a DC-6...

ken kemper
Super Shot !!
Alan Hume
Nice subject, but you have to ask yourself "Why"? Surely they don't make economic sense anymore?
Fully depreciated
bob reeves
Zantop, then Universal, then back to Zantop Airlines flew these out of YIP late 60s, early 70’s. Lost one to an engine fire on final without injury, but a/c was totaled.
sal derosa
Oh the trill of flying starts in a recip! As a mechanic, nothing compares to the overall knowledge learned from working on a
Alan Hume, they don't make economic sense for flying freight from JFK to ATL or MIA to DFW or SEA to LAX. However neither Boeing or Airbus make an aircraft that will fly 30,000 lbs of freight from PANC to PFCR,PANC to PAEM,FAI to Little Squaw (05A) or any other 4000 ft gravel runway. Well actually they do but you wouldn't be able to use the airplane again.
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 N9056R에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
날짜 항공기 출발지 행선지 출발 도착 비행시간
2025년 1월 31일 DC6앵커리지 테드 스티븐스 국제공항 ()Fairbanks Intl () 13:58 AKST 15:09 AKST 1:10
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2025년 1월 24일 DC6앵커리지 테드 스티븐스 국제공항 ()Elmendorf Afb () 10:10 AKST 10:29 AKST 0:18
2025년 1월 23일 DC6Mc Grath ()앵커리지 테드 스티븐스 국제공항 () 15:21 AKST 16:19 AKST 0:58
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2025년 1월 22일 DC6Edward G Pitka Sr ()앵커리지 테드 스티븐스 국제공항 () 13:42 AKST 15:14 AKST 1:32
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