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Cessna T206 Turbo Stationair (N561X) - High wing Cessna T206 hangared at HNL.  Perfect plan for flying the islands.  Great visibility to see the islands from the air, good range and high performance.  Capable of flying over the nearly 14000 ft volcanoes on the big island, touring the highest sea cliffs in the world on north shore of Molokai, then landing at the shoreline at the Kalapapa on Molokai.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Cessna T206 Turbo Stationair (N561X)


High wing Cessna T206 hangared at HNL. Perfect plan for flying the islands. Great visibility to see the islands from the air, good range and high performance. Capable of flying over the nearly 14000 ft volcanoes on the big island, touring the highest sea cliffs in the world on north shore of Molokai, then landing at the shoreline at the Kalapapa on Molokai.


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jesse kyzer
561X - is reg to a 2006 CESSNA T206H Turbo Stationair HD
Good looking A/C, nice pic
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 N561X에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
날짜 항공기 출발지 행선지 출발 도착 비행시간
2025년 1월 11일 T206Lakefront ()Dallas Exec () 13:18 CST 16:52 CST 3:33
2025년 1월 4일 T206Pensacola Intl ()Lakefront () 14:18 CST 15:37 CST 1:19
2025년 1월 4일 T206Sarasota/Bradenton Intl ()Pensacola Intl () 10:44 EST 12:43 CST 2:59
2025년 1월 4일 T206Key West Intl ()Sarasota/Bradenton Intl () 07:41 EST 09:18 EST 1:36
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