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82-8000 — - Air Force 1 carrying President Biden to England to attend Queen Elizabeth’s funeral
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

82-8000 —


Air Force 1 carrying President Biden to England to attend Queen Elizabeth’s funeral


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Correction Empty Callsign …
He still missed the beginning of the funeral.
I'm sure this was a zero emissions flight!
Al Miller
Regardless of the occupant, it's an impressive aircraft.
Wow, what a beautiful blue livery symbolizing a free and democratic society. Notice the 3 Viasat satcom antennas on the top of the fuselage.
Not sure why they have all those satcom antennae...not like anyone wants to talk to that idiot.
Amir Begloei
Excellent shot! Most classic and beautiful design. Too bad President Trump changed the future order to make it look like a Trump plane.
Superb capture of this beauty.


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