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F+W EMMEN Vampire (C-FJRH)
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F+W EMMEN Vampire (C-FJRH)



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Alan Brown
Great photo! Thanks.
ian mcdonell
Brilliant thanks Dirk
Dirk FierensPhoto Uploader
Thanks all
Can somebody explain where the intake is?
Intakes ar in the underside of the wing roots.
Is this an experimental aircraft? Such an odd configuration.
Show-stopper aircraft?
What is it used for...?
Dirk FierensPhoto Uploader
The a/c in question is a Switz built two seat DH-115 Vampire that was used by the Switz A.F. up until early 1992 or there about. It was one of two design that was manufactured in Britain during the later half of the second world war to counter the Me 262 threat (the other was the Meteor).
This example is owned and operated by the Waterloo Warbirds in Ontario, and it represents the colors of the RCAF that operated them in the late 1940's until replace in the 50'by the Sabre, I hope this helps a bit Marylou, thanks for your interest. Dirk
Daniel Rytz
@marylou anderson: no, it is not an experimental aircraft. It was a training aircraft of the swiss airforce. Used as U-1213 als training aircraft in Switzerland.
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