59 투표수 (4.66 평균) 및 7,300 조회수  

BOEING 747SP (N747A) - I took a few photos like this as this was probably one of the last times you'd see her spooling up. There is beauty in everything if you know where to look. 747SP powerplant photo Edwards Oct 2022.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

BOEING 747SP (N747A)


I took a few photos like this as this was probably one of the last times you'd see her spooling up. There is beauty in everything if you know where to look. 747SP powerplant photo Edwards Oct 2022.


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Tom Glass
A lot of amazing engineering on display there. Imagine the physics those trucks undergo everytime one lands!
ken kemper

I always appreciate "The Different" Photo.

Neat capture of the workings of a 747SP
Russell Hill
In class they told us the 747 was an 18 wheeler: 4 fuselage trucks with 4 wheels each, plus 2 wheels on the nose gear — all of them computer coordinated steering or counter steering. She was quite an airplane. 840,000 pounds gross takeoff weight or thereabouts, depending on load, fuel, etc.
Russell Hill
Looking at the photo it appears the SP may have had 3 fuselage trucks rather than 4.
Kam Bahrami
@Russell Hill - actually you can see the further of the two inboard trucks is just behind the closer to camera one...it just is lined up very closely from the POV.
Doug Cook
What a bird!
serge LOTH
AAH 747 for ever......
Nathan CervantesPhoto Uploader
Thanks Guys. I always appreciate comments. I try to impress you all with different views and perspectives


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