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BOEING 767-200 (N605KW) - Super rare to see a passenger 767-200 nowadays! This Eastern 762 flew in to Sheppard today to drop off a batch of brand new Airmen from Lackland for tech school. (I'm currently in crew chief tech school here). Here it is departing to drop off some more Airmen in California.
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BOEING 767-200 (N605KW)


Super rare to see a passenger 767-200 nowadays! This Eastern 762 flew in to Sheppard today to drop off a batch of brand new Airmen from Lackland for tech school. (I'm currently in crew chief tech school here). Here it is departing to drop off some more Airmen in California.


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Larry Toler
Back in 1990 they put us on a bus from Lackland to Sheppard for Air Transportation Tech. My old tech school is now in Ft Lee, VA. Good luck on crew chief tech school.
I was bussed to Kesler from Lackland in '75.
Jim Smith
In'65 I was flown from Lackland to KMGM (Montgomery, AL) in a rattling, smelly old Connie run by Modern Air Transport. All I remember was the 2 stewardesses appeared to the 21 yr old me to be about retirement age and over half the passengers got airsick.
Jake SimpsonPhoto Uploader
@ Larry and @fholbert , I was actually expecting to be put on a bus. We loaded our bags up on some Brymak busses and didn't know what was going on. When we drove through the gates of Kelly Field we realized we'd be flying. Sadly the C17 we saw parked outside the USO was not our ride, it was the Delta A321 over to the right. These airmen got lucky with the Eastern 767.
Jake SimpsonPhoto Uploader
@ Jim what a story! For us, it was a comfy Delta A321 with IFE and everything. They gave us snack bags and everything. It was a super nice and quick flight.
Jake SimpsonPhoto Uploader
I imagine they mya have bussed us due to the environment of a quick plane ride being safer (COVID Wise) than a 6 hour bus ride? Not entirely sure.
활동 로그
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